Past NFIB Wyoming Legislative Victories, 1995 to 2022

Date: January 07, 2019

Protection of independent contractors, workers' compensation equity highlight accomplishments for small business

From the 2021-2022 session

Helped Defeat Fuel Tax Increase

NFIB provided testimony against House Bill 0026, which would have increased the state’s fuel tax 8¢ per gallon. The bill failed to be considered for the Committee of the Whole. Large numbers of NFIB members got involved and emailed their senators and representatives on this issue. Thanks to those efforts we were able to defeat the fuel tax.

Won Business Personal Property Tax Relief

NFIB successfully lobbied for the passage of SF 0085, which was signed into law by Gov. Mark Gordon on April 14. Now, people with less than $2,400 in business personal property are exempt from paying the ‘de minimis’ property tax.

Secured Quicker COVID-19 Relief Funds

NFIB supported the passage of SF 0118, which authorizes the expenditure of COVID-19 relief funds on previously approved projects, grants or procurements. Governor signed the bill into law on April 21.

From the 2019-2020 session

Defeated Income Tax Increase

NFIB provided key testimony against efforts to impose a 7 percent corporate income tax on large businesses in Wyoming. This legislation could have been easily changed by future legislatures to apply to businesses of all sizes. The legislation failed to pass the Senate after being passed by the House of Representatives.

Stopped Loosening of Criminal Monetary Thresholds

NFIB joined efforts to defeat attempts by the Wyoming Legislature to raise the required threshold for a perpetrator to be charged with a criminal offense in certain crimes leading to the theft or damage to business property. Currently, the threshold is $1,000, this amount would have been raised to $2,000.

Halted Effort to Penalize Employers

NFIB opposed efforts that would have:

  • prohibited an employer from taking adverse action against an employee for disclosing his or her wage to other employees
  • prohibited an employer from requiring nondisclosure by employees of their own wages
  • prohibited an employee to sign a waiver that denies the employee’s right to disclose the employee’s own wage information.

The bill failed passage in the House of Representatives.

From the 2017-2018 session.
Protected Independent Contractor Status
NFIB fought and defeated attempts for the last two years to limit the use of independent contractors. In addition to depriving people of a right to make a living as they see fit, labor costs go up by 28 percent when the independent contractor status is eliminated.
Won Lower Primary Care Costs
NFIB helped push through legislation that allows access to a model in which family medicine physicians can provide complete primary care services for a set fee. This will dramatically lower the cost for businesses healthcare coverage for owners and their employees outside the insurance pools.
Preserved Private Property Rights
Successfully opposed a “get out of jail free card” for crimes against property that would have raised the dollar amount of damage required for mandatory damage recovery to the property owner. Due to NFIB efforts to protect private landowners, unauthorized trespass, even for alleged environmental violations, is addressable in the courts with severe penalties.
From the 2015-2016 session
Defeated Threats to Independent Contractors

NFIB/Wyoming helped defeat three bills that would have made it harder for Wyoming small businesses to use independent contractors. The proposals are part of a national push by big labor unions to make those who have traditionally performed services as independent contractors to instead become W-2 employees. If these bills had enacted, small businesses that use independent contractors would have been subject to severe restrictions and fines if they misclassified an employee as an independent contractor. Since 2010, when the federal Department of Labor issued directives on the misclassification of employees, employers have been subject to numerous audits and, at times, the questionable interpretations by auditors on what constitutes an independent contractor. NFIB/Wyoming told legislators that the current test for determining who is and who is not an independent contractor is working and should not be changed. Legislators were also told state auditors should help educate small businesses as to the laws concerning the use of independent contractors rather than confronting them with the threat of audits and fines.

Won Workers’ Compensation Equity

NFIB/Wyoming worked to make the experience modifications ratings fair for all employers by making changes to the way premiums are calculated as they relate to the frequency of claims and severity.

Protected Private Property Rights

Should individuals have a right to trespass on someone’s property for the purpose of collecting scientific data? The Wyoming Legislature said ‘No’ – and no uncertain terms. The ability of landowners to protect their property rights increased as a result of Senate File 12 (Trespassing to Collect Data) passed by the Wyoming Legislature and was signed into law by Gov. Matt Mead. This law will result in possible criminal convictions if an individual or entity trespasses private property for the purpose of collecting data. It will also prohibit information from being used by a government entity if it is collected by someone who trespassed on or across private lands.  If information was illegally collected and provided to a government agency, it will be expunged by the government agency but will be retained to use as evidence against the trespasser. The law makes it clear that one must have permission to enter private land. It also specifies that one must disclose what kind of information is being collected.

Stopped Costly Expansion of Medicaid

NFIB/Wyoming continues to stand by our opposition to expanding Medicaid, 84 percent of NFIB members are against it. When the federal subsidies under the Affordable Care Act run out, states will be required to continue the expansion leading to extreme pressure on the state’s budget. This will lead to significant tax increases on business. NFIB continues to fight attempts for expansion.



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