New Hampshire
Small Business Victories


  • The New Hampshire Legislature had a proposal to re-establish a state minimum wage and increase it. After passing the House, NFIB was able to defeat this proposal in the Senate. The proposal that would have increased the minimum wage by 24% and enacted an annual escalator in the wage rate based on the rate of inflation. Defeated Minimum Wage Increase Read Full Article
  • The New Hampshire Legislature had a proposal to re-establish a state minimum wage and increase it. Defeated Minimum Wage Increase Read Full Article
  • A bill to increase workers compensation payments and therefore increase the cost of workers compensation premiums passed the House but NFIB has worked to defeat this in the Senate. Workers Comp Payments Read Full Article
  • Opponents of this means of paying employees attempted to make it more expensive with higher hurdles for employers who want to utilize this tool to meet their payroll. Payroll Cards Read Full Article
  • A bill to shift greater burden on to the employer as to whether an individual was laid off or left work was sent to study. Unemployment Tax Read Full Article
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