Small Business News

news & information

  • NFIB state director calls on Congress to take immediate action on two issues. Idaho Comment on Troubling Small Business Poll Read Full Article
  • State has lessons, especially on the minimum wage and unemployment taxes, for others to follow. Idaho Continues to Buck National Trend on the Economy Read Full Article
  • ALEC study shows state small business owners in a better place than national counterparts. Idaho Comment on Two Business Surveys Released Today Read Full Article
  • Latest report card gave state a fair grade, but other studies only middling ones. How Does Idaho Compare to Other States? Read Full Article
  • Governor’s signing of HB 428, latest NFIB Jobs Report rays of light poking through economy. Double Shot of Good News for Idaho Small Businesses Read Full Article
  • Knowledge of the issues is the surest way to win the support of Main Street. Running for Office as a Friend of Small Business? Read Full Article
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